Here are some of my most recent paintings, shown at Pierogi in 2001.
Obviously, I'm fond of illusion, and things that look vaguely natural. I think the "it looks like something macrocosmic; it looks like something microscopic" vein of abstract art can be pretty trite, but it can also cut right to the core of abstraction and have you feeling something deep in spite of yourself, because our ability to interpret illusion is built in, along with the urge to pick out the essence of things. You can feel things in your gut before they're processed by your intellect because you are built to see them.
And that's one thing art is really good for, isn't it -- letting us think and feel deeply at the same time, and run at 100% of what we -- as brains strapped onto animals -- can be?
I'm also fond of simplicity, and of "internal consistency," so the symmetry of process and results here -- where a process similar to erosion produces images that look eroded -- appeals to me.